RCP, CARC, NASM CPT PRO I am Recovery Coach from Westchester County. Growing up as an athlete, I had mentors and coaches around me that were not from my family of origin. Even with all the mentors in my life supporting my athletic growth and accomplishments, I did not get a message of true wellness. Many adults around me were using at least alcohol, and throughout later years in high school and college, my peers were using alcohol and other substances. Many of our young people today, still do not have a person who represents recovery for them. I’ve learned a lot in my journey to become a recovery coach. I think we, the adult generation, have a task on our hands to be recovery role models to our young generations, now, more than ever. This was something that truthfully never existed for me and I feel doesn’t exist for so many. Recovery? What is that? Recovery from an injury? is usually the first question someone in my group asks. I facilitate my trademarked recovery groups called "Conditions" with teens and young adults in Westchester County. Conditions is packed with self-discovery, fitness, movement, storytelling and self-disclosure. The concept is to continue to do hard things, develop ways to grow and work through uncomfortable situations and stretch ourselves to new heights we never thought we were capable of reaching. The program brings recovery into communities and young people's lives that have never related to it, or have never had a recovery role model. We are able to discuss recovery, not prevention, not drug education, but RECOVERY. I represent that it is possible, even in times and places you would never think, to live a life which improves your health and wellness, supports a self-directed life and is full of actions striving to reach your full potential. Even if you have students, children, and young family members who are connected to recovery-It couldn't hurt to add more and build that capital to add a cushion of compassion and love. I hope to introduce myself and my work to you, but also, leave you with the question - Are YOU ready, willing and open to accept the task of being a recovery role model yourself? Dan Sheeran - Assistant Director of Friends of Recovery Westchester & Recovery Coach Professional in private practice. He brings his athletic background, personal training, and recovery support to groups and 1:1 coaching. Dan understands that no matter what you do in recovery-it’s about living your own vision of peace, growth, and sustainability. For more information or to set up an initial meeting contact [email protected]
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